Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Made it a week!

Ok, I never realized how hard it is to rearrange your life to fit in exercising. I have to admit that I only got in 4 days this week and I am counting mopping my floors as one of those. Thank goodness I had a dinner party this week and felt the impulse to do it. The good news is that I have found a 5K to jog in. The Santa Anita Derby Day 5K on April 9th. It looks like a lot of fun and it ends on the race track itself. I think that it will be a bit soon so it is written in my calendar in pencil. Let me know if anyone else is interested. There is a discount if you sign up in groups.

I did go jogging/walking today and decided to jog more than walk. It seemed like a good idea until I started to feel nauseous about 1 1/2 miles later. I started walking then. I think that I am a bit more out of shape than I thought. This may take more work than I thought. I have a few medical problems working against me so I will take this slower. This was a more disappointing day but the upside was that Alan put a bunch of fun music on my ishuffle which kept me moving forward while I was challenging myself. It was so nice to listen to. It was like having him next to me telling me I could do it. I love him.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day One

   Woohoo!  I feel pumped! I bought my new crazy shoes for jogging. They don't seem to have plain white shoes at Footlocker anymore. I blame the Lakers for that. I love you, Lakers, but the shoes are getting crazy. I also bought an ishuffle. (my first mp3 player! I am sooooo high tech)
   Alan took the kids to school and I got ready. I went to get my ishuffle. Wait I have to charge this??? Ooops well, I guess I will use it tomorrow. Went walking and circuit trained with some jogging. Now I have to share something with you. I stopped jogging when I was younger for 2 reasons. #1-my knees started hurting. Luckily my Laker shoes did the job and my knees are fine. #2-every day I walked some guy would stop his car and hit on me when I was alone. It got pretty scary. I kind of figured that wouldn't happen today. I am much older and honestly look at this picture. I look pretty bad but low and behold some guy started yelling  out his window at me as he is coming up from behind me. It wasn't until I got home that I noticed what was written on the back of my shirt practically begging for a response from the cars around me. Hilarious. I will have to thank Amy for this awesome shirt.

    In the end I walk/jogged for 45 minutes which I think is pretty good for the first day and I hope doesn't do me in for the second. Hopefully I can convince my friends to come jog with me. :)